Sit N Fit Chair Yoga


Florida Atlantic University conducted three research studies on Sit N Fit Chair Yoga. Focus group data analysis on the 2011 Sit N Fit Chair Yoga pilot study showed pain reduction, improved mobility, a feeling of security and improvement in sense of well-being. Group comments included:

“It makes my body feel better and I have less pain.” 1

“I feel better in terms of my ability to do more things at home.” 1

“I learned how to relax, which I didn’t really know how before. I learned how it makes your body feel better.” 1

“Nothing in my situation has changed but my attitude toward my life has changed for the better. I am more calm.” 1

Chair Yoga for seniors maneuver

Additional research at FAU continued on Sit N Fit Chair Yoga with a larger group in 2012. The study results showed significant improvement in depression and life satisfaction.2 Data analyzed on older adults with moderate and severe Alzheimer’s Disease showed significant improvement in balance, gate speed, walking ability as well as increased focus and concentration.3

In 2013 Florida Atlantic University received funding of for a two-year study (2014-2015): “The Effect of Sit N Fit Chair Yoga Among Community Dwelling Older Adults with Osteoarthritis” supported by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine of the National Institutes of Health. The study data showed significant reduction of pain, pain interference, improvement in gait speed and walking ability. Psychosocial measures showed improved quality of life.

Chair Yoga for seniors maneuver
Chair Yoga for seniors maneuver
Chair Yoga for seniors maneuver
Chair Yoga for seniors maneuver


  1. Park J, McCaffrey R. “Chair Yoga Benefits for Community-Dwelling Older Adults with Osteoarthritis” Journal Of Gerontological Nursing Vol. 38 No. 5, 2012, 13-24
  2. Park J, McCaffrey R. “The Effect of Sit N Fit Chair Yoga Among Community Dwelling Older Adults with Osteoarthritis” Holistic Nursing Practice – LWW Journals, Vol. 28 No. 4 2014, 247-257
  3. McCaffrey R, Park J, “The Effect of Sit N Fit Chair Yoga in Older Adults with Moderate and Severe Alzheimer’s Disease” Research in Gerontological Nursing, Vol. 7 No. 4 2014, 171-177